Tuesday, February 27, 2007

I like this one!

Thanks to Sarah at All Fingers and Thumbs for finding this fun thing. Unfortunately there were no pictures of yarn or knitting to show as my vice! But you get the idea and as far as the scenery was concerned I could have picked them all - never mind, I do love woodland walks so that will do for now!


Anonymous said...

Had to do this one for myself:)

Joanna said...

LooK I'm a home soul too, and we both picked the shell and the same love picture!

artyfartykat said...

Will have to try this one!
Kath, thank you soooo much re where to get Victorian Lace Today. I checked the Book Depository a few days ago with no joy, so when I got the comments from you and your mum( at almost the same time!) I looked again and BINGO!!! So thank you very, very, much!
As I said to your mum, when we (hopefully)meet up at Woolfest, the first rounds on me!!