The yarn was some of my Colinette 4ply cones stash and was knitted up on 2.25mm as it was a bit thinner than the likes of Opal, etc and I wanted a nice thick fabric. Now I know this yarn was from the Mill shop so there was bound to be something wrong with it (it only cost about £1 for about 120g so I can't grumble) and if you look closely in the above photo you may be able to see the colour variation on the left hand (or foot) sock. The heel and foot are definitely less yellowy green and suddenly has pink bits in! But I don't mind they will be in shoes after all and not noticeable unless I wave them about telling everyone!
I was trying to get a good shot of the lace zig-zag on the leg but had no success whilst wearing them and was on the verge of giving up until I had a brainwave.
So here you have it - lace through a glass! I was really enjoying the effect I was getting having the sock on a glass on such a sunny day that I got a bit carried away and you can see more of these shots on my Flickr site. Be warned - you may see more lace socks on glasses in the future!
And no sooner had I cast off those then I cast on for some Baby Jays for Emily so we could be sad and have matching socks!
Now most of the time I was working on these was when she was in bed asleep and I'd forgotten to do any measurements so I'm not really surprised that they are a bit on the big side for her. I knew the toe was OK as I'd tried it on her early on before she'd gone to bed but after that I was basing the measurements on some of her shop bought socks. I'll not do that again then. So, very pretty though it looks above this sock is no more because on top of being too big I hadn't enough yarn to be able to make a matching sock. But at least being toddler socks they don't take long at all to knit up so they shall be reborn hopefully into a size that will be better for little Emily!
Future projects other than take 2 of Baby Jays include Norah Gaughans Lacy Jumper from 'Lace Styles' and a lacy little shrug for Emily seeing as the poor thing doesn't have much knitted for her - fingers crossed she'll wear this!