I don't know if having a small child in the house makes it go quicker but it seems as if the weeks disappear as soon as they arrive. I was going to say before you know it it'll will be March.... oh dear! Proof that I am loosing my grip on the awareness of the passage of time if ever I had it!
Of course I do know it was St Davids day yesterday. I'm Welsh therefore how could I not know! Yesterday was also the first time that spring seemed to be marching closer to us (no pun
intended). Seemingly everywhere I went yesterday there were fields being mown, or mowed which ever is right, the smell of cut grass was in the air and the sun was warm on your back.
Shame I can't say the same today, the wind is biting so it'd not quite time to put any mittens into hibernation yet!
This Winter, despite saying that time flies by, seems to have dragged. Now I like Winter, to a certain degree, because as a knitter it is a season that seems to justify the purpose of being a knitter. I will not be cold - I will be wrapped in as many layers of hand-knit woolliness as I can manage for I am a knitter! But after a while the novelty wears off and I've missed those fresh new leaf greens which are only now just starting to show themselves. Still, we're not going to have one of those Narnian Winters that last for hundreds of years, Spring is coming so I shall keep my eyes peeled!
Spring as we know is a time of new life and new beginnings. As I type I'm currently having new glass put in our windows - a new era for our little old house! No more rotten frames! And I've been embracing new ideas and joining Mum in trying out some Art Yarns - no pictures today but really good fun to play with.
My lovely knitting friends have also been dragged into this era of newness with a little bit of dying as Birthday treats. Both recently had Birthdays and a hand-dyed present seemed a novel idea and something they were excited to try. So last Sunday we invaded Nadine's kitchen and got the dyes out...
The results are lovely and each of them are happy with their efforts (I dyed one as a demo and then let them dye their own) and rightly so. I think there may be some people buying dyes at Wonder Wool later this Spring :)
And the new skill learning didn't stop there. Last night Jude tried out spinning with a spindle after having tried, and not enjoyed, spinning with a wheel. And she went for it!! The concentration was immense and before long she'd nearly filled the spindle. I think there might be a new spinner out there now!
The only thing we could do with now is more practice, both in spinning and in skein winding....
I'd like to say that Tilly the cat helped but I can't! Still it looks lovely wound into a cake and is now ready to knit which is all that matters.
On a final note I'll go back to it being St Davids day yesterday. One of the items in our Etsy shop was featured in a St Davids day treasury which is a lovely compliment and I love how it looks in amongst all the other lovely green Welsh themed items.

So to my Welsh readers (if there are any other than my Mum!) I wish you all a belated Happy St Davids day and to everyone else Happy Spring watching!
Hello! Its lovely that you've come out of hibernation to blog!;
The dyed yarn and rovings look beautiful and I'm sooo jealous that you are making art yarns, I keep intending to try but I need a kick up the you know where!!
Hope you and the family are well x
Well HELLO , nice to see you back into blogging too hun, so much more personal than Rav don't you think ;)?
They should be very proud of their dyeing ,love the colours and no it doesn't look like Tilly is helping at all ;)
Glad you're blogging again - can only echo Anne's comment... and dyeing too. I've been wearing the Damson I knitted in some of your stuff during the cold weather, and it's snuggly...
It is nice to read what you have been up to again. Thank you for visiting my blog too .... I am going to try and keep up the blogging habit! The fibres look lovey, it must be great fun doing dyeing together.
Nice to see you blogging again! Happy St. David's Day to you, too - I'm not Welsh, but my hubby is, so I join in anyway. :o)
Hi! I am so looking forward to spring now, I think getting back from the cold of Poland was definitely the end of my winter! Am loving all the brightness, greens and flowers on your blog :)
Time flies far too quickly - I am quite sure there aren't as many hours in day as there used to be!
I hope you're enjoying a return to blogging as much as I am!
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